

St Joachim's students are able to borrow books from our well-stocked Library.
We focus on enjoyment, imagination and information through fiction and non-fiction books.

Students from Foundation – Year 6 have rostered time to visit the library weekly.

It is vital that children return their book/s so they can borrow a new book.  Students will not be able to borrow if they have not returned their book/s.

The Library supports and extends the Units of Inquiry being studied in each year level.

Library Bags

For home borrowing purposes, children are encouraged to have a library bag (waterproof is preferable), labelled with both their first and last names and grade.

A Library Bag:

Waterproof Library bags are available from the Bounty Shop, however you may use any waterproof, protective bag, preferably around the size of a pillowcase to accommodate our larger books.

The Library is open, after school from 3:00pm - 3:15pm for borrowing (students in Years F - 4 need to bring a library bag to be able borrow).

During the year, the Library hosts a Book Fair and we encourage families to support this. Profits of the sales enables the school to purchase a significant amount of books.

Classes are timetabled to visit the Library weekly.

The Yearly Book Fair offers a wide variety of books for sale.

Link to St Joachim's Library