All enquires about St Joachim’s Catholic Primary School are most welcome.
2025 Foundation (Prep) Enrolments are now closed.
2026 Foundation Enrolments will open in early March 2025
For all other Enrolments during the school year, please phone the school on 97852633 to find out our availability.
St Joachim’s Primary School accepts enrolments from pupils residing within the Parish of Seaford.
Application for enrolment for all other levels will be accepted during the year if places are available. The enrolment policy applies in all cases. Enrolment enquiries may be made by telephoning the School Office on (03) 9785 2633 to make an appointment with the principal.
Please note that all children must turn 5 years of age on or before April 30 of the year that they begin schooling. It is encouraged that all children be five when they begin school.
Non-Catholic families are welcome at St Joachim’s, if class sizes permit and they are supportive of the Catholic culture of the school. We encourage families to be supportive of our Catholic traditions and practices and that all children in the school are fully involved at all times in the life of our Catholic Community.
All families are asked to financially contribute to the school through the payment of school fees, levies and excursion costs. These help us to run our school effectively and thus provide the best possible education for the children in our care. Families who are struggling financially and have difficulty meeting these costs will never be discriminated against and will always be supported at our school. The Parish Priest and Principal are available to meet and discuss these issues with parents at any time.
Children with special needs are welcome. An assessment of the child's needs are made with the child's parents and a support group made up of the Wellbeing Coordinator, Principal and a Catholic Education Office representative. This will allow the school to implement programs best suited to the child’s needs, within the school’s philosophy, curriculum and structure.
Following your enrolment acceptance, a transition process will be set for your child/ren so as to provide a happy and smooth start into a new learning environment.
To edit the enrolment form please click on the above link - then download in Microsoft Word (see picture below).
Completed forms may be emailed to office@sjcarrumdowns.catholic.edu.au
or printed and brought in on your interview / tour.
Information for New Families Including Foundation / Prep Transition.
At St Joachim's we have information especially helpful to new families, whether their child is entering Foundation at the start of the school year or your child is coming from another school.
Please visit Welcome to St Joachim's.
If your questions are not answered here, please do not hesitate to ask by emailing office@sjcarrumdowns.catholic.edu.au
Please feel free to contact the school on (03) 9785 2633 if you have any enquiries or email the Office Team office@sjcarrumdowns.catholic.edu.au
We are located at 25 Broderick Rd Carrum Downs.